Does It Spark Joy? — Start3Things“Anxiety arises from not being able to see the whole picture. If you feel anxious, but are not sure why, try putting your things in…Feb 14, 2021Feb 14, 2021
In Kindness Rather than In Kind“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants…Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
Take a Mulligan“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?” — RUMIFeb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
Walls, Windows and Doors“The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.” — Julien…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Flourishing — Start3Things“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.” —…Jan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
Binoculars“Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
Class is Always in Session, Learning is Optional — Start3Things“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit…Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Stop, Sense, Savor“Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” — Anne FrankDec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Mechanics AND Magic — Start3Things“Creativity is an energy. It’s a precious energy, and it’s something to be protected. A lot of people take for granted that they’re a…Jun 7, 2020Jun 7, 2020
Get Out of Your Own Way — Start3Things“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It…May 31, 2020May 31, 2020